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Life is Too Short to Fold Fitted Sheets


I have learned, over many years as a Professional Organizer, that perfection is overrated.

My mom is a retired nurse, which means that when I was a kid we never went to the doctor, and I could make a bed exceptionally well. She taught me how to create “hospital corners” and how to put a pillowcase on without touching the outside, since that wasn’t sterile. She also taught me how to fold a fitted sheet into a perfect rectangle.

I don’t share this hidden talent with many people because of expectations. Once someone knows that you can fold a fitted sheet into a neat rectangle, with no curved edges showing, then they expect that sheets will always be folded perfectly.

I don't share this hidden talent with many people because of expectations.

One of my most stressful jobs as an Organizer was when I first started my business. My client was a perfectionist with a linen closet stuffed with 15 sets of sheets. After sorting and reducing the sheets to 10 sets, she wanted the fitted sheets folded perfectly, but my beautifully folded sheets weren’t perfect enough!

We kept folding and re-folding them until she was satisfied. We spent three hours re-folding the sheets. During that time, I thought about how we could be organizing other areas in her home that were causing her stress. The perfectly folded sheets obviously made her happy, but at what expense?

I have learned,over many years as a Professional Organizer, that perfection is overrated.

I have learned, over many years as a Professional Organizer, that perfection is overrated. Striving for perfection can affect many aspects of your life. It often leads to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction. It can cause unnecessary stress and affect your relationships. It eats up your time and often prevents people from practicing self-care. Individuals have a choice to give in or stand their ground. I choose the latter.

So what does my linen closet look like? Towels, wash cloths, pillow cases, blankets and top sheets are all neat folded. Fitted sheets are rolled into a ball. That may be surprising to hear, but like many people, I am busy.

And honestly, it doesn’t really matter. I have been trying to make more time for self-care and my dog. Folding a fitted sheet perfectly is extremely frustrating when it doesn’t turn out perfectly—and it takes time away from what matters most to me. So, for me, a ball works.

Life is too short to fold fitted sheets!


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